Sunday, September 19, 2010

Strong Tea

We Americans are a mixed bag until push comes to shove then we unite. The cartoons say a lot and catch the attention of those who are not really paying attention. One look and they react. November is coming up very soon and
we are free to make up our own minds and vote for what we all hope will be stronger and better leadership from those who want a chance to represent us. God willing they are men and women of character, knowledge and have common sense. It is time to light a candle, bend the knees and lift up our minds. As the well known and loved Evangelist, Billy Graham said, "Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
So today, a Sunday open your mind and your heart to all kinds of good things to do. All you have to do is decide what it is you want your day to be. It is wide open, choose what makes you 'tick' and turn the frown into a smile and get on with your day. I have a pumpkin pie to share, so if you are in my neighborhood, stop in and I'll put the coffee pot on. Hugs to all.

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