Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Second hand

Mr. Crayola, Don Marco, Master Artist born in 1920. He worked as an Air Traffic Controller until he retired in 1973, meanwhile he spent his time drawing with crayola crayons.
What an amazing talent. It is difficult to look at these pictures and think they were done with a small crayon. I've had crayons in my hands forever and am lucky I stay in the lines. I envy such talent. I want to be able to make people's faces come alive but that talent alludes me.

Once I tried painting my husband's face in oils. I must have tried a dozen times but it depended on my mood, I guess, as the face would change from a smile to a frown in a brush stroke. I finally did finish one of him and it was pretty good but I really needed lessons on how to do faces to bring out the features. The one I was most proud of was an Indian woman which I copied from a National Geographic magazine. She was old, with crag like features and wore the most beautiful Indian jewelry. One day when I was up into the Sierras visiting a wonderful gift shop where the artists made jewelry and candles. They had beautiful art work done by local artists and when I went up into the upper gallery to look at the pictures, there stood MY Indian lady . . . believe it or not, I had done just as good a job, only I didn't give myself credit for the job I did do. Lack of confidence can go a long way in keeping you from using that Dash I talked about yesterday in the right way.
So today, pat yourself on the back, know that it is okay to use your talents . . . and do it. Don't hide under a 'bushel', probably lots of leaves at this time of year . . . get out there and kick them around and perfect your talent whatever it is. Play the piano (wish I could); paint, draw, sketch, dance, and sing very loud in your shower. Hugs to all.

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