Friday, August 27, 2010

This and That

It is nice to have a friend who thinks enough of you to send along a money fairy who is going to bring you tons of money if you just send her on to all your friends and you will, in turn, receive a boodle of money. That's fine with me, I can spend money with the best of folks, and love to spend it as I dream of all the things I could do with a bundle of money. It is a lot of fun to live in a dream world for a very short time before reality sets in. I always thought if I had tons of money I would do something good with it, like a family compound . . . oh yeah, that would work just fine if everyone was getting along, but you know how that works. Then, after my family compound when everyone was well taken care of and there was harmony and peace . . . well everyone would be settled and all off somewhere spending some of my money . . . see it worked! Then I'd buy a huge piece of land and build a huge complex housing the elderly on one side and the throw-away children on the other, all under the care of people who would know exactly how to make it work . . . um . . . I better think that one through as the generation gap might get in the way. Maybe, if I had boodles and oodles of money I'd take that trip around the world, never pack a stitch, just buy along the way. Now that has some merit and I could do a few good deeds along the way. So much for my moments with the money fairy. Now, to get back to earth where our economy is in the basement and people are suffering while our leaders are telling us fairy tales at the town hall meetings and/or jaunting off and vacationing. What was it Nero did while Rome burned . . . ah yes, played the fiddle!!! My friend, Sharon Guinn, the artist who painted the fisherman says it all with her terrific sense of humor. I saw her painting in a gallery in Gold Beach and it made me laugh out loud. I was hoping she would do some humerus cards so I could buy some to send to folks who would appreciate them, but she is busier than ever and is going to show in two juried shows coming up. Wish her luck. I'm betting she wins. She is a very talented young lady. Daughter Pat and her friend Jock love to troll in the river hoping for that huge salmon that is waiting to be caught . . . so they think, but if I were a salmon and saw the shadow of hundreds of little boats with fishing lines and wiggly worms, I think I head for deeper water and swim far away. Sharon sent me an attachment of her picture so I could make a copy and share it.
So today, Friday, the end of another long work week for you. I thought the week flew by and I can't believe it is Friday already. Our weather has turned back to cool and overcast, late sunshine and a garden full of clippings to be picked up and bagged. Oh my, I am a really good clip artist and have a big callous on my hand from using the clippers all week. I even pushed the mower which is stubborn and a pain in the 'arse' but it did cut one or two patches. I got out the little lawn chair and pulled it around with me as I sat down on the grass to clip the edges to make things neat. I'm out of my mind as the spirit is willing but the body says otherwise. As I told a friend, I am glad that there is no one around with a movie camera to catch my gyrations as I try to lift the body up with the help of the chair. So, take it from me, hide the clippers and go off for the weekend and do something fun, the weeds will be there when you get back. Hugs to all.

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