Good morning and it is Saturday morning and the farmer's market is alive and well here in Brookings. I hope to go and take a peek at the vegetables and see what is out there this month. According to the newspaper they have moved inside the grange hall and that is new and different, and that is a good thing as the weather is slowly changing and our rains are about to begin. I do not usually shop at the market as the prices are higher than Freddys all be it they are supposedly grown in organic soil . . . aah, the buzz word of this century. It was interesting at first to hear that our food was growing without pesticides and all the other 'stuff' they can think to put into our food, but the word organic meant higher prices and before long everything in the market was named 'organic' and I find it hard to believe. The banana is a prime example as it rots before you get to eat it. Maybe the hyponic tomatoes are supposedly better for you, but give me an old fashioned vine ripened tomato that you can taste and druel over. The hard rubber coating on todays vegetable leaves much to be desired. I bought a half head of green cabbage and haven't taken this organic wonder out of the wrap yet and it is already rotted. What is going on with our food? Maybe the growers should take the garden back and grow real food in real soil and give us back our fresh tasting vegetables. I'm on a roll this morning and I haven't even opened the other eye. It is all of five thirty and I wanted to share some of 'wise-ass' Maxine with you. She came in on an e-mail from a friend and I had a good laugh before I closed off for the night.
The political cartoonist are going strong and there are some that have gone politically organic and if you look up the word organic in the dictionary . . . "number a. Constituting an integral part: constitutional. b Law. Designating or pertaining to the fundamental laws and precepts of a government or organization.", and I had no idea but thought organic was anything but "he saw society as an organic whole" . . . think of the fun we could have with that one, sounds like the cartoonist are one up on us. . . nah! it is much to early in the morning to go there. These thoughts all came about because of Maxine and it is time to go grocery shopping so I will check my cupboards and see what I am getting low in and make a list. I'm thinking of baking some cranberry bread and share it with all of the new neighbors. We have four new families this year.
So today, enjoy your weekend off and do something you love to do....sleep in. I'm off to pour my coffee and check on the news to see what transpired during the night. Hopefully the banner headlines are that you won a lottery and have made plans to adopt me so I can live 'the life of Riley' and sail off to a lovely warm island and leave the cold rainy winter weather behind . . . did I say I was awake . . . can't be . . . what is that song. . . 'dream and you dream , la, la, ' I never said I knew all the words, just am hearing the tune in my head; yes a favorite from a long while ago. Dream a lot today, it can't hurt and it might put a gleam in your eye. Hugs to all.
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