Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Happy Generation

I have heard of the different medications that were over the counter medications back in the 'horse and buggy' days of yore when you could buy heroin (1890-1910) which was touted as "a non addictive substitute for morphine." Today morphine is the standard drug for those dying with cancer as it helps quell the horrible pain
and heroin is the drug dealers method of making millions of dollars creating pain for those who didn't hear Nancy Reagan 'say no' to drugs. As for the Mariani wine (1875) it was called coca wine and Pope Leo XIII awarded the producer a Vatican Gold Medal and he wouldn't leave the Vatican without a bottle in his possession. I didn't know that!
Then there is opium which was "40% alcohol plus 3 grams of opium per tablet. The caption on this one was 'it didn't care, but you didn't care" We heard of Chinese opium dens as the Hollywood movies showed scenes of the addicted and we even read about Sherlock Holmes and his addiction but I don't think any one of us ever thought it was something we wanted to try . . . penny candy was much more addictive and a lot tastier and healthier for our bodies. We were just smarter than anyone gave us credit for. I never heard of Cocaine Tablets (1900) but according to this write-up "stage actors, singers, teachers and preachers had them for maximum performance . Great to smooth the voice." Well Ma had a better plan as she fed us burnt toast and told us how it cultivated the voice and we believed it, ate it and it worked as our teachers hauled us off to choir practice to sing like Caruso.
Things haven't changed a lot with the push on to legalize 'pot', the little flowery plant that creates a euphoria and increases the appetite and leads on to bigger and better drugs like heroin with its many names. How sad we have a generation of semi illiterates from the drug culture
and as creatures with addictive habits we should be very careful what we vote for. Nope, I am not going political this morning I am still reeling from all of the emotions of yesterday when the thirty-three minors were brought up from underground alive. Happy tears and Chili has a President to be very proud of.
So today, stop by and light a candle in thanksgiving for the lives of thirty three men, and the hundreds of workers from all over the world who came through and never gave up hope. Prayers poured up into the heavens by the thousands, day in and day out, and we witnessed a true miracle. Don't stop praying for these men as they have to go through a recuperation period and adjust to life again after being in the dark underground with little or no hope of survival. Unbelievable, but how much we love happy endings. Get out there today and make your day have a happy ending. Hugs to all.

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