Here is a story poem I wrote about Books .. .
How can one not take pleasure/in the world of make believe/for it mimics life as we would wish it to be/the early childhood fables/made us laugh and we could see/ the silliness/the ineptness/the villains falling down/the world captured in words/a learning tool for free/ all you had to do was open a book/and take a short journey to another time.
Nursery rhymes in word and song/the Bobbsey Twins were cool/on to Nancy Drew with mysteries to unfold/and soon a bit of romance was read in stolen glows/ History written as fiction took a hold/ then Shakespeare was introduced/once you learned to read his rhyme/it gave pleasure by the score/ and your mind begged for more and more and more. There never has been a moment/to be bored in life/all you have to do is reach a shelf filled with books/choose the one to fit your mood/and find a reading nook.
The weather has changed and our winter storms are moving in slowly but surely. Yesterday was a day of teeming rain then a break in the clouds and sunshine, a seesaw day or better still a wait and see day before you decided what you wanted to do. As for me, I turned on the television and there really was nothing worth watching. The radio was not much better as my favorite 'old tunes' station hasn't changed a tune in months. With all the stories, and with all the music piled high in archives, it seems ludicrous that we cannot be offered something good to watch or to listen to. I certainly am not a fan of ads in any of the media. So, what to do with myself . . . . a book, of course . . . I just bought four at a yard sale, great authors waiting to tell a story, so I curled up in my favorite chair and was lost in a "Silent Sea".
As I am writing this blog this morning I am wondering what the current list of children's early reading would be. I am sure I would be lost as the list would most likely start with Dr. Suess all the way to "Harry Potter" and so much more I don't even know about. I see where every politician has a new book out and even I have a new 'Short Stories" book out, so there is no excuse to be bored.
So today, the start of your new week, business first, and while out and about stop by the library and find out what is the latest 'read' on the shelf. Meanwhile we have breaking news this morning about a sink hole in front of our City Hall . . . I'm off to find out what that is all about. So make your day the best you can, stay alert and take good care of yourselves. Hugs to all.
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