The fall colors will soon be fading and we will be seeing trees covered with snow and that beautiful
pogonip that turns them into frothy ice shining in a
glimmer of sunshine during the winter months. Here on the coast the weather is a bit different but a few folks have planted a maple here and there and it is always pure pleasure to see the familiar colors of Fall. The stores are filling up with all of the baking products we need to make our holidays special so I stocked up on all the ingredients I need to make the delicious cranberry bread and wine cakes which have become a tradition in this household. I was not happy to see all of the Christmas decorations coming out so soon, but some folks like to shop early . . . I think they could at least wait until after Thanksgiving. I heard something this week about pushing 'black Friday' up so the shoppers can start earlier than usual. With the economy the way it is, maybe a trip back in time would help us all, you know, the Depression years when a pair of socks under the tree was the best gift one could have. I'm thinking the gift of friendship is the best and the most meaningful gift of all.

I wonder what Maxine will be saying this holiday season. You can bet there will be pearls of wisdom as she takes on trials and tribulations of the holiday season. I can hardly wait for the new calendar and her wise comments for each day. You know, a giggle here and a chuckle there to brighten our days.

Today is "All Saints Day" and here is the newest saint in our clan . . . Chase . . . now there is a name for you. Chase is a
Wheaton Poodle mix, twenty five pounds of love; look at those eyes !!! You know, just looking at him, that he is going to be fun to have around. I am betting he will be the first one at the door to take John and Eileen out for an early morning stroll . Happy days to John and Eileen and Chase, a winning combination.
So today is a good day to light a candle and say a prayer or two for the poor saints that were removed from the calendar (one I never knew existed) a few years back for no other reason than it got too crowded (smile) . . . I really have no idea what went down to demote our saints but as far as I am concerned everyone that went before us is a saint and they make life worthwhile. How else could we find a lost item if St. Thomas was not there to help us. How about St. Elmo protecting our people on the seas; oh yes, St. Christopher who watches over the travelers and the Little Flower, St. Teresa . . . and the list goes on to St. Jude Thaddeus, the saint for the impossible . . . my, he gets a lot of urgent prayers. So, don't be shy, get on your knees and say a prayer or two for me, I can always use them. Make your seconds count in your pursuit of sharing a beautiful day. Hugs to all.
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