Friday, July 23, 2010

And the beat goes on

Friend Marge was beach walking with her daughter and spotted this huge rock on the beach to take a picture of, and shared it with me. She said the holes were filled with sea anemones, a new form of tide pool. It reminds me of a brain , much like the politicians of the day who are ready to take on an ocean of ideas without realizing the big holes in them. Like the rock you cannot move them but you can wait them out and watch them dissipate with the tides.
I'd be remiss if I didn't brag about the salmon dinner I had last evening. Jock not only caught the huge salmon but marinated it in a special sauce and cooked it on the grill. What a difference it makes to have fresh caught salmon out of the Rogue river. It was interesting to hear about the small fishing crafts, numbering at least fifty, all drifting about waiting for a big one. Few are caught, which amazed me. I thought being salmon season everyone could catch their quota but that is not the truth of it. The fish are smarter than the fishermen and only a few give up the ghost, most keep going up river and spawn and come back another day. It isn't a lost cause though, as the die hard fishermen have a day in the sun and enjoy each others company and tell fish stories. They never give up, and if you were to ride up to Gold Beach today, you would see the boats out there with the fishing lines dangling off the boats while the fishermen are laid back and waiting for that 'big one'.
Meanwhile out in the wild waves of the ocean, the charter boats are having to turn back in as wild waves and fishing just do not go hand in hand. It means refunds for a trip for another day and disappointment to many. When the ocean is calm and the charter boats go out a few miles the ling cod and the bottom fish are plentiful. They do have whale watching trips which I think about going on, but I'm not courageous enough as I am one of those who is satisfied just getting my ankles wet. You would think after having grown up around the ocean and jumping into the waves and playing around salt water, I'd be a good swimmer and not afraid of the water. Not so.....all the playing and not swimming is a good case and point . . . or maybe it was the first time I went into fresh water and sunk like a rock that left me afraid of the water. Well it is a little late now to worry about that. I'll just walk along the beach and maybe stick my toes in now and then although a sneaker wave could get me.....there I go....all worry and no would think I'd get over it. Maybe I should buy one of those floating jackets . . . oh yeah, then I'd be floating off into the sea singing sea chanteys trying to find my way to shore. I think I'll go out in the garden and check on the weeds and put some seed in the bird feeder . . . it is much safer and both feet will be on the ground.
So today, if you can't swim for heavens sake, go take a lesson or two so you can enjoy all of the wonders of the sea. Get off of 'hold' and make the day your oyster. Make it a fun one. Hugs to all.

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